
Showing posts from January 15, 2023

Lomboy leaves (Black Plums), an alternative cigarette for Filipinos

Lomboy Leaves  The high inflation rates in the Philippines have aggravated the economic life of Filipinos even further. Prices of basic products like rice, canned goods, sugar, coffee, milk, and other basic necessities have increased significantly. Aside from the aforementioned, prices of cigarettes, liquor, and other products deemed unnecessary are also increasing. In this blog post, we'll discuss how do Filipino smokers cope with the soaring prices of nonessential products like cigarettes. Despite the scary graphics on the label of cigarettes, Filipino smokers are undaunted. In an attempt to reduce smoking-related diseases, the Philippine government obliged cigarette manufacturers to put horrible graphics on the labels, but to no avail. Millions of Filipinos still hook on cigarette smoking and they are getting younger.  Increasing the prices of cigarettes has pushed cigarette smokers to look for an alternative. They have found an alternative to cigarettes:  Dried Lomboy...