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Banana: The Popular, Favorite Fruit of the Filipinos

Despite being a small country, the Philippines pride itself as one of the top producers and exporters of high-quality fruits in Southeast Asia. Tons of  Philippine fruits including bananas are exported yearly to different countries all over the world particularly in the country of Japan. 

Among the so many fruits grown and produced in the country, the bananas are popular among Filipinos because of their affordability, availability, and of course, they are also preferred for their rich potassium.


One of the reasons why Filipinos buy bananas is because of their affordability.  In the Philippines, a banana can be bought for as low as P7 to as high as P15  pesos depending on the size, quality, and seller. Bananas priced even cheaper if bought at the farms and if bought in bulk. 

Different Varieties of Banana

In the Philippines, there are several varieties of bananas that are grown and produced. Some of these varieties are still color green even when already ripe. While there are also varieties that are only eaten only when ripe and when its skin turns yellow. Latondan, Bangan, and Saba (these are just some of the varieties of bananas grown in the Philippines). Also, in the Philippines, there is a  particular variety whose color is green even when ripe. 

Banana as Viand

Eating ripe bananas as viand is common in the Philippines particularly in the countryside. Some Filipinos eat bananas as viand for several reasons like they really like bananas as a viand, there’s no money to buy fish or meat, or there are no fish available because the place might be very far from the market.  

Growing Bananas

In some places in the country, like in Mindanao, export quality bananas are grown in large banana plantations. Banana fruits produce from these plantations are exported to different countries around the world particularly in Japan. These plantations are so vast that they use aircraft when spraying the bananas for insects and banana diseases. These big banana plantations employ thousands of workers. 

Less Maintenance

The beauty of growing bananas is they require less maintenance, unlike other fruits which require maintenance such as the use of pesticides, some fruits like mangoes are wrapped while they are still young to protect them from insects, bats, or any other fruit-eating animals.

Besides, bananas can be grown on any type of soil. In the countryside, particularly those who live in mountain barangays, bananas of different varieties are grown in their backyard. To these farmers, bananas are a good substitute for rice especially if they run out of rice supply or if farmers are unable to produce palay (rice) due to drought, typhoons, insect infestations,  and other factors. 

The Different Banana Recipes

Banana Cue

One of the recipes favorites by Filipinos is the banana cue. It is prepared by peeling off its covers. The bananas are then fried, after which they are skewered with bamboo sticks. Micro Filipino entrepreneurs sell banana cues to pedestrians at P10 per stick. Each stick of banana cue has two-three banana fruits depending on the size. 

Grilled Banana

Another banana recipe is a grilled banana. In the Philippines, aside from grilled fish, there are grilled bananas. Grilled bananas are cooked and sold on the streets by micro-entrepreneurs as a form of livelihood. 

Banana Pinaypay – (fan-shaped recipe) 

Pinaypay is derived from the Cebuano term “ Paypay” which means “fun” in the English language and use to cool oneself. In this particular cooking, a ripe banana is sliced 3-4 times horizontally and the sliced banana is spread like fun before placing into a frying pan with cooking oil. When cooked, refined 

sugar is placed all over the banana and sold for P15 pesos or less each depending on the vendor. 

Boiled Banana

This banana recipe is not applicable to all banana varieties. There are particular varieties that can be boiled. In the province, boiled banana is popular as a substitute for rice or corn as meals. 

Banana Chips

Another banana recipe well-loved not only by Filipinos but also by other nationalities is banana chips. How to make banana chips? Matured banana fruits are peeled-off, sliced in a circular shape, and then sun-dried. Once dried,  the sliced banana fruits are fried in melted sugar. 

The cooked banana chips turn red, delicious, sweet, and crispy. Banana chips are sold in supermarkets and on the streets. There are people who make their own banana chips and sold them to the pedestrians. Prices vary depending on the size of packs and the vendors. Usually, it costs less than P100 pesos. 

Potassium Rich

Bananas are one of the fruits love by Filipinos because of their availability and affordability. A cluster of bananas is sold for P70-80 per kilogram. In the  Philippines, bananas are sold even in sari-sari (micro) stores. Another reason why Filipinos love to eat bananas because it is rich in potassium. Health experts also recommend bananas include bananas in their meals of the  Filipinos.

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