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Why Do Young Filipinos Need to Study the Life and Works of Dr. Jose Rizal?

Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal became famous not only in his beloved country but also in other countries around the world for his intellectual brilliance, patriotism, and for leading a revolution against the colonizers. 

It has already been more than a century since his untimely death, yet his martyrdom and heroism are still alive in the hearts and minds of the Filipinos. To them, Dr. Jose Rizal was a great hero and a patriot for leading a revolution against the Spaniards that led to his execution at the very young age of 35 (1861-1896). 

Dr. Jose Rizal exemplified that revolutions aren't only fought and won by deadly weapons but also by pen and paper. Being a literary writer himself, Dr. Jose Rizal fought the colonizers with his literary pieces, particularly his two famous novels, The Social Cancer (Noli Me Tangere), The Reign of Greed (El Filibusterismo), where he expressed his frustration and strong resistance against the colonizers. 

His Popularity 

Dr. Jose Rizal was admired not only by his countrymen but also by other nationalities for his unique way of fighting a revolution in a non-violent manner. His popularity has reached in different countries around the world. In fact, Rizal's statues can be found in many parks around the world, a testament to his popularity. In the Philippines, aside from his statues erected all over the country, his life and works are also included in the school curriculum to ensure that his exemplary virtues, martyrdom, and heroism are instilled and kept alive by the Filipino students. 

Worth Emulating 

The life of Dr. Jose Rizal is worth appreciating and emulating particularly by the young generation of Filipinos. His love and compassion for his countrymen and his country are immeasurable and unquestioned. Faced with imminent death by firing squad, Dr. Jose

Rizal never turned back on his countrymen and the country. He died a martyr before his countrymen. 

To keep his heroism alive, the Philippine government commemorates his death anniversary every year, highlighted by activities related to his life and works. Local government units also hold activities during the yearly commemoration. A national holiday is also declared across the country to give more time to the Filipinos to commemorate his death anniversary. 

The life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal are worth emulating. His bravery and patriotism have inspired a lot of Filipinos. The younger generation of Filipinos should emulate the footsteps of Dr. Jose Rizal. 

Young Life 

The short life of Dr. Jose Rizal was full of compassion and patriotism. He never had other purposes in life but to be of service and help to his fellow Filipinos and his beloved country. Had it not for his untimely passing, he could have done more for his countrymen and his country. Dr. Jose Rizal may be long gone but his martyrdom keeps burning in the heart and minds of the Filipinos. 

Armed only with paper and pen, Rizal fought the colonizers valiantly through writing literary pieces directed at the abuses and oppression of the colonizers on the Filipinos. 

Source of Inspiration 

The late national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal has been a source of inspiration to his countrymen particularly to the Filipino youth whom he pinned his hope for the betterment of his countrymen and his beloved country, the Philippines.

But despite all the exemplary values possessed by Dr. Jose Rizal, some people even fellow Filipinos still question his being a hero. Some Filipinos could not accept Dr. Jose Rizal as their hero. They have their own criteria and personal preference in choosing their heroes. Some claimed it should have been the other heroes who violently fought the invaders, unlike Dr. Jose Rizal who did not use a deadly weapon in his crusade against the Spaniards. 

Naturally Gifted 

Dr. Jose Rizal was known for so many values such as kindness, compassion, patriotism, and intellectual brilliance. To those who don't know, Dr. Jose Rizal was also a linguist. He could understand and speak 22 languages. Many of these languages could have been acquired from the countries he had been to. He was also a polymath, a literary writer. 


Alongside other revolutionists, Rizal was a leading figure in the Philippine revolution against the colonizers. While some national heroes fought the invaders with violence, Dr. Jose Rizal, on the contrary, effectively fought the invaders with just pen and paper. His literary pieces, particularly the two novels, had caught the attention of the Spaniards which resulted in his exile in Dapitan, Philippines.

Among his literary pieces, the two novels: The Social Cancer (Noli Me Tangere), The Reign of Greed (El Filibusterismo), stood out among them. These novels centered around the oppression, greed, and abuses committed by the Spaniards, particularly the Spanish friars. 

Emotional Vulnerability

Human as he was, Dr. Jose Rizal's emotional vulnerability was manifested in his romantic involvement with beautiful women. His irresistible charm attracted several women of nationalities. He fell in love with these beautiful women. 

Why Do Filipinos Need to Study the Life and Works of Dr. Jose Rizal? 

Is there a need to study the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal, the answer is a big yes? A new generation of Filipinos must learn the essence of patriotism and compassion exemplified by the late Dr. Jose Rizal. It's a reality that the new generation of Filipinos has been preoccupied with so many distractions. Some young generation of Filipinos could hardly recognize him and his martyrdom. It's high time for the Filipino youth to instill the virtues of Dr. Jose Rizal. 

Photos credit to Rizal Memorial Library and Museum-Cebu City, Philippines.


When was the Philippines regained its independence? 


On July 4, 1946, the Philippines regained its independence.

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