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The Philippine Independence: Breaking the Bondage of Colonianism

Exactly 123 years ago, a group of Filipino revolutionists led by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo triumphantly hoisted the national symbol in Kawit, Cavite, the Philippines on June 12, 1898, that marked the country’s independence from more than 300 years of colonial rule. The symbolic raising of the national flag was witnessed by hundreds of captive Spanish soldiers along with their captors, the American soldiers. 

The Filipinos’ hard-earned independence was the fruit of years of bloody battles against the colonizers. In those sporadic, yet bloody battles, thousands of Filipino revolutionists lost their lives. Outgunned and outnumbered by their foreign enemies, the Filipinos bravely fought them with determination and patriotism. Sadly, after more than a century of independence, the Filipinos are still embroiled in controversies and debates surrounding their independence particularly on the existence of the original national flag hoisted on June 12, 1898. 

On Existence of Real Flag 

Some Filipinos claim that the original one was already gone, but heirs of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo claimed otherwise. Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo himself allegedly revealed that the original flag got lost in the province of Pangasinan during their retreat against the American soldiers. But the heirs of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo refuted these claims and insisted that the one in glass incase in Gen. Emilio F. Aguinaldo museum in Happy Glen Loop Rd, Baguio, Benguet is the real one. To prove critics wrong, Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo's heirs showed the encased tattered national emblem. 

Enjoying One’s Freedom 

For any citizen, there’s nothing more important than enjoying one’s freedom in his country. It's a necessity in a civilized society. People are ready to die for freedom, for it is a gift to mankind. In the Philippines, it must be enshrined in its constitution. Sadly, not

everyone has the privilege to enjoy it. There are still millions of people out there who are still deprived of it and live in fear of persecution. 

To Filipinos, the wound of oppression may have already healed with time. Today, the Filipinos will commemorate the triumphant day in our life with activities associated with our regained freedom. Such activities will help us, particularly the youth inculcate the value of heroism of the Filipino war heroes. 

What to expect today? 

Given its immense importance and sanctity to our freedom, Independence day is declared a national holiday every year to give the Filipinos enough time to commemorate the event. If it falls on weekdays, private and public institutions including schools all over the country will be closed. Though some business establishments like malls, restaurants, and other establishments will remain open. 

Boost Local Tourism 

In the Philippines, national holidays are also the time to bond with family members and friends. With the hectic schedule of the parents and children, holidays are a good relief from work and work. Eco-parks, heritage sites, beaches, tourist spots, and malls are the favorite bonding places of the Filipinos during holidays. But to some Filipinos who are on a tight budget, watching movies together at home would be okay. Non-working holidays help boost local tourism in the country. 

To show patriotism, flaglets are displayed within the vicinity of the schools and in some institutions. Proudly waving the national flaglets are also mounted on the hood of private and public vehicles plying the streets. At least a week before the celebration, business establishments and street vendors would start selling flaglets to motorists and pedestrians at affordable prices.

Occasionally, Philippine movie producers would release movies related to the independence day. And these movies would always be a big hit. Movie-goers would always pack the movie houses. The Filipinos, being patriotic people will always patronize this particular genre of film. 

Political Rallies


Today’s celebration will be marred by political rallies by various organizations critical of the current administration. With the current territorial issues faced by the Philippine government, expect leftist groups, various organizations, and government critics to stage political rallies in key cities in the country. The Philippine government’s alleged inaction in its territorial dispute in the West Philippine Sea takes center stage in today's rallies. 

Tainted with Politics

Whether we like it or not, this year's independence day celebration will be tainted with politics. With the national elections just eleven months away, expect politicians to take part in the celebration and be more visible to the public to gain free publicity. 

This early, the upcoming national elections are already a hot topic in the Philippines. Names of possible candidates in next year's presidential elections have been floated by supporters or admission of the candidates themselves. Political alliances have been formed and strengthened. Finger-pointing, blaming, and mudslinging have already started among politicians. 

Photos courtesy of SM City Cebu (National Flags) and Cebu Heritage Monument, Parian, Cebu City Philippines


How many total numbers of islands do the Philippines have? 


There are a total of 7, 641 islands in the Philippines. The figure was increased from 7, 108 as what experts used to estimate.

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