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The five (5) values that define the Filipino people


One’s true character is tested and measured when he is faced with difficulties in life. Though, everyone responds to challenges in different ways, depending on his coping mechanism and personality. 

Some people would face the adversities head-on, while others back down and resort to distractions to forget the problems at hand, and many would completely veer away from challenges in life. 

In this blog post, we'll discuss the five (5) important values of the Filipinos and how these values have helped them get through and overcome challenges in life. 

Since time immemorial, Filipinos have gone through adversities in life: strong typhoons and earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding, and other human-induced and natural disasters. 

Likewise, Filipinos are dealing with daily problems such as illegal drugs, hunger, and health problems, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic that has already claimed more than sixty thousand lives of Filipinos. 

But despite all of these natural and human-induced disasters experienced by the Filipinos, they still manage to exude positivity. 

Feeling and showing negativity in life is not the attitude of the Filipinos. In the Philippines, seeing Filipinos smiling in the middle of disasters is not uncommon. 

To the Filipinos, the challenges in life not only tested their character but also strengthened their resolve in dealing with these challenges.

Truly, the Filipinos are a different breed of people on earth. They have this set of values that set them apart from other people. 

No amount of emotional, psychological, and physical stress could dampen the Filipinos’spirit to live their lives to the fullest. 

But how do they cope with hardships in life and how did they overcome these trials and challenges? What are their coping mechanisms when faced with adversities? 


No doubt, the Filipinos are a tightly-knit and compassionate people on the planet. They are bound by genuine love and care among themselves, particularly among kinship. 

If any member gets sick or in a miserable situation, expect the whole family to help one another, and find ways to help their family member. 

This Filipino virtue of support system goes beyond the family. Community support is also common and popular in the Philippines. 

When a resident in a community would be in need of help whether financial or not, the people will always be there to help unconditionally.

Their compassion towards others also is manifested in different situations such as fire breakout, earthquakes, typhoons, and other natural or human-induced disasters where they are willing to provide food and even extend financial assistance to those in need. 

Without this support system among themselves, the Filipinos could not have overcome difficulties in life. 


Another source of strength of the Filipinos is their strong faith and devotion to the Almighty. Religiosity has been the center of their lives. Their devotion to the Almighty is shown in different ways. 

Expressing gratitude through faith-based celebrations, thanksgiving, praying several times a day, and penitence are just some of the manifestations of the Filipinos towards God. 

The Filipinos, when confronted with difficulties in life like a family member getting sick, or financial problems would seek Divine intervention. 

To the Filipinos, especially those who have less in life, seeking Divine intervention would be the last resort. 


It's been proven time and time again that the Filipinos are innately strong and resilient people. Faced with challenges in life, they would never back down instead face them head-on. 

These days, Filipinos are confronted with a wide array of problems, foremost of which are health and finances. The COVID-19 pandemic is still a threat to the health of the Filipinos. 

The rising number of dengue cases in the country also poses a health problem for Filipinos. Faced with these problems, the Filipinos continue to live and try to address these problems. 

Their strong personality and tenacity have enabled them to withstand and weather any forms of challenges in life. 


Being optimistic about these things is another value that defines Filipinos. They manifest their optimism in different ways and on occasions. 

Having a better future, recovering from an illness, and passing a licensure examination are just some of the countless instances where Filipinos become optimistic. 

The Filipinos’ optimism is one of the factors for their success in their chosen endeavor.

The Filipinos are such positive people especially when it comes to unforeseen eventualities like their future and their socioeconomic status in life. 

Bereft of financial wealth, still, they stay positive and optimistic in everything. They would never allow themselves to be taken over by negativity. 

Happy people 

The long-held notion that" One can't buy genuine happiness" holds true as far as the Filipinos are concerned. Filipinos, regardless of socioeconomic status in life, always stay positive and happy. 

Amidst adversities in life, they still manage to exude positivity and wear a genuine smile even to a total stranger. Negativity has no place in the Filipinos. 

In fact, numerous surveys show that Filipinos are one of the happiest people on earth. 

They will always land on top in surveys of the happiest people in the world edging out those people living in first-world countries when it comes to personal happiness. 

Hard Work

Another virtue of the Filipinos that is worth - emulating and appreciating is hard work. With this virtue, Filipinos are sought-after by employers, whether in the country or abroad. Their work ethics. 

Regardless of working conditions, type of employers, or compensation, the Filipinos will perform their work with utmost diligence and passion. 

Employers both in the country and abroad are living proof of this special value of the Filipinos. 

It's a fact that the majority of Filipinos are experiencing poverty. Every day, millions of Filipino families have experienced involuntary hunger. 

The lingering effects of the global health crisis have aggravated the already miserable plight of the Filipinos. 

Since the virus outbreak, millions of Filipinos have lost their livelihoods either temporarily or permanently. 

But despite their worsening economic conditions, the Filipinos stay positive and happy. And backing down from any challenge has never been the attitude of the Filipinos. 


How old is president-elect Pres. Bongbong Marcos? 

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