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Why do new generation need to study and appreciate the life and deeds of Philippine heroes?

Dr. Jose Rizal 

Regardless of gender and race, heroes are supposed to be appreciated and emulated for their deeds that made them heroes. Unfortunately, for no apparent reason, this is not the case . 
The Filipino heroes, for example, are not getting the appreciation and recognition they deserve, particularly from the young generation of Filipinos.

Even Dr. Jose Rizal, the country's national hero is hardly recognized by the youth to which his hope pins upon them. On Rizal day, when asked what national event they are celebrating, many new generations of Filipino don't even have an idea about the event they are celebrating.

Despite possessing exemplary qualities and values such as his being intelligence, his being a polyglot/linguist, brave person, being a medical doctor, his being a novelist/poet, his patriotism and his qualities that made him the Filipinos' national hero have been slowly forgotten.

It sadden us Filipinos that Dr. Jose Rizal is just one of the country's heroes whose lives and heroism have been forgotten, particularly among the young generation of Filipinos. 

His famous quote "The youth is the hope for our country" seems to have fallen on deaf ears as most of the country's youth have lost their patriotism and nationalism. The Filipino youth's patriotism and nationalism have been replaced by indifference and ambivalence. 

Despite the government's efforts to instill in the youth the spirit of patriotism, many of today's youth 
could hardly recognize the country's heroes even on the latters' commemorations.

For a very long time, Philippine heroes' lives and deeds have been included in the curriculum this is to ensure that the young generation will learn about the lives of the heroes and the deeds that made them heroes but to no avail.

With this sad development, even sociologists are puzzled why these young generations of Filipinos are indifferent and ambivalent when it comes to the recognition and appreciation of their heroes despite the means and ways by the Philippine government to keep the spirit of heroism alive.

Why do Filipinos, particularly the younger ones need to learn the lives, works, and deeds of their country's heroes?
Andres Bonifacio 

In the face of fading interest among the younger generations of Filipinos toward the country's national heroes, it's high time that young Filipinos should learn about the lives, works, and deeds of their national heroes. 

The younger generation of Filipinos must learn how the country's heroes risked their precious, young lives to defend and liberate their country from foreign invaders.

The Filipino youth should know how brave our national heroes were? They sacrifice their families, their friends, and their very own lives defending and protecting their beloved country and countrymen.

The Filipino youth should know how hard and dangerous regaining one's freedom from colonizers.

They should know how hard and difficult it was to live whose freedom and liberty are curtailed and deprived. 

Sacrifices and selflessness


No doubt, the country's were selfless and sacrificial. They showed and manifested these values when they fight against the colonizers. They never think of what would happen to their lives for as long as they would regain the freedom of their country and countrymen through bravery and patriotism. 

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