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Flores de Mayo: Its significance to the Filipinos

Mabolo Parish Church

In the Philippines the month of May is one of the merriest and festive months because of the big celebrations. Big events such as daily feasts (fiestas) that are really worth celebrating. 

Besides, during this month, there are other religious celebrations of utmost importance to the Filipinos such as 

  • the Flores de Mayo, the Santacruzan, 
  • the Labor Day, and of course 
  • the Mothers' Day which is celebrated on the second Sunday of the month. 

Mabolo Parish Church

But where did these events originate and how significant are these events to the Filipinos? In this blog post, we will trace the origin of these events and their significance to the Filipinos. 

It can't be denied that among the colonizers, the Spaniards were the ones who made significant impact on the lives of the Filipinos. 

The Filipinos have a lot of religious events of Spanish origin and one of them is the Flores de Mayo, a month -long celebration which starts on the very first day up to the last day of the month. 

During the celebrations, little children along with their mothers and older siblings attend afternoon mass and offer the flowers to the Virgin Mary.

Mama Mary Image


The flowers offered to the Virgin Mary are available within the vicinity of the church. These flowers are sold by fellow children which of great help to their families. 

The Flores de Mayo culminates with the Santacruzan, a religious foot procession participated by beautiful, young women with their equally handsome escorts. 

The Santacruzan procession starts at the church as thousands of waiving and enthusiastic crowd line up along the procession routes. 

Priests, nuns, and other church personalities lead the procession followed by candle - bearing parishioners. Playing church band is at the head of the procession. 

 The Santacruzan is derived from the words "Santa" meaning "Holy" and "Cruz" meaning "Cross."


 The Santacruzan is the celebration commemorating the finding of the True Cross by Queen Helena (Reyna Elena) of Constantinople, the mother of Constantine the Great, the first Christian Emperor. 

The Santacruzan has been celebrated by the Filipinos for centuries. It was first celebrated in Bulacan, Philippines in 1865. 

Despite the Spaniards ' imperfections during their more than 300 years rule in the Philippines, they still have made significant impact in the lives of the Filipinos. 

The Spaniards' influence is still evident in the lives of the Filipinos today be it in Language and Religion.

The author: Samuel A. Escabarte is a licensed teacher whose hobbies are singing, reading, writing and traveling showcasing and sharing my country's rich culture.

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