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How does Philippine politics affect relationship among the Filipinos?

Mabolo National High School

 With the country’s midterm elections just less than a year away, politicking in various forms has already started in the Philippines. This has been the brand of Philippine politics tainted by violence, electoral fraud, mudslinging and vote-buying. 

While the Filipinos are known for their innate virtues, there is the other side of the coin-the dirty politics of the Filipinos magnified during election season. 

But what is confusing is the die-hard support shown by the Filipinos towards their candidates. Like popular celebrities, Filipino politicians are also idolized, adored, and revered by their followers. Whatever they command their supporters follow. 

Political bias 

This phrase refers to the personal opinion of a supporter towards his/her favored candidate. Regardless of the candidate's projected image in the society, political bias prevails. Filipino die-hard supporters never mind the personality of their favored candidates. 

Whether the candidate has been convicted of crime, involved in an extra-marital affair, or committed wrongdoings in the performance of his/her public function, a Filipino supporter would never bother.

Political bias is best exemplified in the political career of former President Rodrigo R. Duterte. Despite his curse-laced language, sex jokes, threats of killings still millions of Filipinos loved and supported him. 

Broken relationship 

Religion and politics are the two things that should be avoided in a conversation because these things have the potential to ruin a personal relationship. 

In the Philippines, many relationships have been broken because of politics. Different opinions and opposing support to their favored candidates have caused their relationship to strain. Politics has become a divisive issue among the Filipinos. 

Relationships among family members are no exception to this. Many relationships among family members have been broken just because they have supported opposing candidates. 

Sad but true. It’s really happening in the Philippines, particularly during the election period. Friends, relatives, and even relationships of family members may be strained because they have supported opposing candidates.

Irreparable conflict 

Ironically, the politicians, despite their accusations and mudslinging during the election season will reconcile after the elections. But the broken relationships of their supporters are irreparable. Many relationships among supporters last. 

No permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interest in Philippine politics holds true among Filipino politicians. Their political bickering ceases after the elections. 

Opposing candidates may trade accusations during the election period but will mend their relationship after the elections in the interest and survival of their political careers. 

This has been the cycle of Philippine politics and next year’s midterm elections are no exception. Will the dirty politics in the country end? Not in the near future. This brand of politics in the country is deeply rooted in the political system in the country. Doing away with it is impossible. 

It is hoped that there will be few election-related violence and electoral fraud come May 2025, as the Filipino electorate casts their votes.

Author: Samuel A. Escabarte, a licensed English teacher. Please follow this small website as we explore and immerse my country’s culture and please also like, share and comment on this post.

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