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AI: How do Filipino learners take advantage of it?


No doubt, today's generation of learners are privileged as compared to learners several decades ago as far as doing academic research and other tasks. With the availability of modern technology, any piece of information is just at the tip of the fingers. 

But do the learners take advantage of this technology? Is this modern being used appropriately to their advantage? And how do Filipino learners take advantage of it? Or what are the drawbacks of any access to this mind-boggling technology. 

The Filipino learners may not be that rich compared to other students, but it doesn’t mean they are not abreast with the latest technology. Today, even the poorest of the poor Filipinos also have access to modern technology which is made possible with the ingenuity of Filipino businessmen. 

Artificial Intelligence 

Undeniably, the access to Artificial Intelligence by learners is beyond control by schoolteachers. Being a teacher, I am not against the use of Artificial Intelligence but not to the extent of letting AI answer research and academic tasks assigned to them.

AI can be utilized by learners in eliciting ideas on tasks assigned by teachers to the learners. In the Philippines, the Filipino learners have been taking advantage of AI as a guide in their academic tasks. 

While AI can be of great help for students in eliciting ideas and opinions, the misuse of AI may also lead learners to be dependent on this Artificial Intelligence in answering their academic tasks. 

Accessibility to state-of-the-art technology is a bane to learners in the long run if incorrectly used. In fact, modern technology has brought comfort and convenience to our lives.

Author: Samuel A. Escabarte a licensed English teacher. Please follow this small website as I share with my country's rich culture.

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